How to integrate Shipday with eHungry
1. Open a Shipday dispatch account
2. Find your unique API key under Main Menu > My Account tab
3. Provide your dispatch password to see the API key
4. Now go to your e-hungry Admin “Dashboard”
5. Click “Restaurant Manager”
6. Click “Restaurant Locations”
7. Click “change this” link beside “Currently Receives Orders by:”
8. Select “Order Notifications” tab
9. Scroll down a bit and find “I want webhooks with order details” option under “When a new order is placed:” section and select the radio button
10. After selecting the radio button, a section with some input boxes will appear
11. Put your integration url into a “Webhook URL:” input box - for url see below
12. Click “Save main notification details” button
Webhook URL Endpoint:
Base URL: Shipday API KEY
How to get Shipday API key
Main Menu > My Account > Account: